May 2024

May 2024 Newsletter

Hello. Welcome to my May 2024 newsletter! This month involves two new residencies, which will go towards the production of new art work. I am also participating in several exhibitions and leading workshops in Burton on Trent and Derby. I am enjoying the burgeoning of Spring, noticing new plants popping up and increased bird songs as the month continues. The main image is from my residency at Photo Canopy in May 2024. I will be returning to Burton on Trent this weekend to continue with the residency.

Residency at Cove Park

I will be Artist In Residence at Cove Park, Helensburgh, Scotland from 31 May to 03 June 2024. I’ll be using this residency to experiment further with sustainable photographic processes and foraged materials.

I will be producing work for Beneath The Surface, an ongoing project working with foraged materials, that are intrinsically connected to the landscape.

Royal College of Art
Working Class Collective

I spoke with Christoph Jones and Benji Jeffrey at the Royal College of Art, about the Royal College of Art Working Class Collective. I am currently Interim Chair of the collective. You can find out more and see a transcript on the Royal College of Art website.


198th Royal Scottish Academy Annual Exhibition,  Edinburgh, Scotland, 11 May - 16 June 2024.

Symbiosis II, London Alternative Photography Collective, Four Corners Gallery, Bethnal Green London, 15-18 May 2024. Opening party 16 May, 6-8.30pm.


11 May - Botanical Cyanotype Toning, Photo Canopy. Burton on Trent. 

18 May - Cyanotype, Ramsgate Through The Senses, Ramsgate.

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